Movin' in March

posted: by: Lt Murphy Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Well, good evening everyone! Murphy, here! We are making the most of March! What great weather we have had for the last few days. The doc and I have run and played and had a great time! He said that even when we aren't running, we can still play and get in shape. In this picture, you see me leaping for my favorite toy - ok second favorite toy since it does not get peanut butter inside it.

The doc likes to say that there is no such thing as "empty exercise." Any exercise that gets us dogs and cats moving helps us get and stay in better shape. If your dog or cat is a little hefty, every step they take today more than they took yesterday will start the road to fitness and a better, healthier weight. Above all else, this should be fun and a great bonding time for you and your pet!

For cats, remember that most cats are not going to play or exercise for more than 5 minutes at a time. Having a cat tree for them to climb will encourage them to move around and build muscle without owners having to enforce play time as much. Some cats will leave learn to fetch, if you are patient! The key is to just get them moving.

For us, dogs, there are so many ways to get us active and fit that I can't list them all. For those in shape, there are many organized dogs sports. Running with owners, hunting, swimming, chasing tennis balls and frisbees are great ideas to get us moving. For dogs of the chunky variety, the doc says not to start out with hard exercise right away. Your pup have some sore days if you start out too quickly and may not be able to exercise regularly due to pain. Start out with some walking or an easy game of tennis ball chasing. Remember that those dogs with the short legs probably don't need to walk as far as taller dogs, such as myself.

The doc says that swimming is a great exercise, even for the chunkier dogs. If your dog has not been in the water before and is not a breed that is typically a swimming breed, pick up a neoprene life vest to help your dog float better, making it easier for them to swim and keep them from getting in trouble.

No matter what you do, the most important part is to get moving! Have fun and do something that will make your dog or cat happier and healthier!